Wednesday, July 31, 2013

LiveFit Trainer Phase 1 Days 23 and 24

As I sit here typing this, I have the munchies extremely bad!  I want to eat all of the food in my house, especially the Koala Chocolate Crispies cereal, the peanut butter, bananas, and pita chips!  Not necessarily all of those together, and I did have some of each.  I feel completely guilty about it, like I binge ate, which I know is caused by not having enough sustenance.  I did not go to sleep last night as I have become addicted to the show True Blood and could not stop watching it!  I was hungry all night long and ignored it, but now I just want to destroy the kitchen.  I feel like I just keep wanting more and more food.  I don't know if it's, because I'm still forcing myself to try to stay under 1200 calories or because I added cardio to the trainer early.  I really just want to be prepared for Warrior Dash.  I am about to lose it, and I feel like I'm just in the home stretch.  While I am proud of myself for making healthy choices during my binge this evening, I still feel guilty about it, because I did not measure the cereal I ate, nor did I measure the peanut butter, so I couldn't necessarily track it in myfitnesspal.  I know I went over 1200 calories, which isn't so bad considering my basal level is around 1400, but I am just starting to see results.  I'm afraid I will lose those!

Alright pity party over.  Yesterday I did Back and Biceps workout same as last week plus 30 minutes on the elliptical.  Today I did the Chest and Triceps workout from last week and walked on my treadmill at home for 30 minutes.  My knee has been hurting since Monday, so I don't think I'll be doing any cardio tomorrow, but it is leg day.  I guess I'll have to see how I feel.  Hopefully these munchies are gone soon.  I have the day off work tomorrow, so since I didn't sleep at all last night I'm going to try to go to bed early and sleep in.  I have a hair appointment in the late morning, and then my leg workout.  I am going to try to keep myself busy and not eat as much though in order to make up for today.

Sorry for another combined post and that I don't have any pictures.  I will try to post pictures tomorrow!

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