Monday, July 8, 2013

LiveFit Trainer Phase 1 Day 1

I cannot express how ready and excited I was to start this trainer!  Since my cousin's bachelorette party in April, I have been struggling to keep up with my diet and workouts.  I have also been waiting to hear about a job that I am really hoping I get and dealing with family issues, so I have been stress eating like crazy!  And by crazy, I mean eating two cupcakes, pop-tarts, cookies, pizza, ice cream sandwiches, candy, and a bunch of other stuff all in one day.  I was filling my body with crap, and it really doesn't matter how much you workout if your diet sucks!  A while ago, I was introduced Jamie Eason, a fitness model and writer, on, and I have been wanting to complete her trainer forever!  The results pictures she has posted on her Facebook page look amazing!  What I like most about the trainer is that it is set up in three phases of 4 weeks each, and the lifting/cardio workouts and days change every 2 weeks.  So it's always new!

When I decided I was going to start the trainer today, I spent Saturday and Sunday planning and prepping!  For me, with diet, I have to plan in order to stick to it 100%.  Saturday I wrote out daily plans for the whole week with times for work, working out, eating, appointments, etc.  I am a super organized person, and writing everything out helps me a lot!

Working out and anything else I have scheduled for the day is listed on the left.  Today my workout was chest and triceps.  3 sets of 12 reps for each of the following:
Wide push-ups
Flat Dumbbell Bench Press
Narrow push-ups
Cable Crossover Flys
Standing Dumbbell Tricep Extensions
Tricep Pushdowns
The first phase of the trainer does not include cardio, but because I am competing in the Warrior Dash in 5 weeks, I will be doing Zumba on Mondays and Wednesdays with my mom and High Intensity Intervals on the treadmill on Friday.

Meals are listed on the right of my planner.  I eat every 3 hours, so basically breakfast, lunch, dinner, and 2-3 snacks.  There are no starches 3 hours before bed.  Today, my meals were as follows:
6:00 AM- 9 T liquid egg whites, 1/2 c. oats sweetened with Stevia, cinnamon, and Walden Farms pancake syrup
9:00 AM-1 scoop Body Fortress whey protein shake
12:00 PM-4 oz. baked chicken breast, 1/2 c. brown rice, and 2/3 c. green beans
3:30 PM-Quest Bar Chocolate Brownie
6:30 PM-4 oz. baked chicken breast, 2/3 c. green beans
9:30 PM-6 oz. plain, non fat Greek yogurt sweetened with Stevia.
I prepped lunch and dinner meals for the entire week, so that I have no excuses.  All I have to do is pull out the Tupperware from the refrigerator and microwave it!

I am also keeping track of my water intake.  So far I've had 5-20 oz. bottles of water, and I plan to have at least 2 more.  Another new thing that I'm trying out with this trainer is preworkout.  I have never used a preworkout supplement before, and since I've been pretty lazy with my workouts, I figured it would be a good way to boost my energy to get them done.

I used Cellucor C4 in Strawberry Margarita flavor from GNC.  This stuff was delicious.  It did make me a little jittery, but it definitely gave me a lot of energy.

I have high hopes for this trainer, and I am already feeling more energized and healthy.  My body was really feeling crappy after eating all of that trash food.  My goals for the next 12 weeks include:

  • Goal Weight: 125 lb.
  • Complete Warrior Dash without injury in under 40 minutes
  • Abs!
  • 90-100% clean foods--I am going to try to have no more than 1 cheat meal every two weeks.
  • Be able to squat my body weight on the barbell.
  • Run a 7 minute mile.
  • Blog daily.

So far day 1 has been a piece of cake.  I haven't been hungry at all, and all of my meals have been delicious and satisfying.  I still have 2 more to go, Zumba for an hour, and then relaxing and watching softball the rest of the night.
Can't wait for tomorrow!  Feel free to leave any positive comments or questions you may have.  I am doing daily blog posts for this to show that progress and change takes time.

I have daily inspirational quotes that I am using as well to keep a positive attitude.  Today's quote is:
"It's not whether or not you get knocked down; it's what you do when you get back up!"


  1. I really, really need to get back in shape -- I'm interested to see your progress with this. In August (once my brother moves back to school and I can actually use our basement to work-out), I want to start making some serious changes.

    Keep up the great work Jen, you look awesome!

  2. Thanks Alecia! I appreciate the support! If you ever want help in this department, I am all ears!
