Thursday, June 6, 2013

Update and Birthday Countdown

Here it goes, this is my very first non-recipe post.  Don't worry there will be an Apple Cinnamon Protein Waffle post soon to follow, as well as a second take on the chickpea peanut butter cookie balls!  In the Meet Jennifer section of my page, I mentioned that I have tendinitis of the patella in my knee and have been seeing a physical therapist.  I was also put on an anti-inflammatory medication for obvious reasons; however, I had a bad reaction to the medication and ended up gaining about eight pounds in three weeks.  This was very upsetting for me as I have been working very hard to lose weight and keep it off.  I went off of the medication by choice a couple of weeks ago and have almost dropped the weight back to where I was prior to my injury.

Also because of my injury, I was unable to complete my regular workouts, but my last day of physical therapy was yesterday!  I got the okay from my doctor to start amping up my workouts and trying some of the things I was doing prior to my injury.  I am unbelievably excited to do this!!

Some of you may know that my birthday is this month.  I turn 23 on June 21, and I decided that now was a great time to get really strict with myself for the next two weeks to be as fit as possible for my birthday.  I am hoping to spend my birthday weekend in Virginia with the boy, and I want to be able to feel good and eat cake without feeling guilty!  I am only human!

So my plan for the next two weeks is to eat the majority of my carbs at breakfast and keep my protein intake higher.  In looking at macros, I'll be roughly 35-45% carbs, less than 20% fat, and 40-50% protein for my daily intake.  This also means that most of my recipe blog posts will be snacks and breakfasts.  What else is new, right?  If you are familiar with the fitness world, I am basically in prep mode with my diet, which means my lunches will mostly consist of grilled/baked chicken, brown rice and dark green veggies and dinners will be grilled/baked chicken and dark green veggies.  Delicious.  Simple.  Healthy.  However, eating practically the same thing every day can get boring, and I would only suggest eating this way for a short period of time.  I think the longest I have ever gone in this way was a couple of months.
There are many new opportunities coming my way right now, and I am so excited for what the future holds.  Despite being super busy, I will never forget about my health!

Thanks for reading!!

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